dog/days: Vincent Chancey, Josh Berman, Jakob Heinemann, & Marcus Evans
Thursday | 29 August 2019Constellation - 9:30pm

Vincent Chancey – french horn
Josh Berman – cornet
Jakob Heinemann – bass
Marcus Evans – drums
/ˈdôɡ ˈˌdāz/
1. The ancient Romans noticed that the hottest days of the year, that is, in late July and August, coincided with the appearance of Sirius – the Dog Star, in the same part of the sky as the Sun. Sirius is the largest and brightest star in the Canis Major constellation, in fact it is the brightest star in the sky. Roman astrology connected the celestial event with increased heat, drought, sudden thunderstorms, lethargy, fever mad dogs and bad luck.
2. One week of performances pre and post the Chicago Jazz festival. Generally hosted in the Bricktown Neighborhood of Chicago at the venues; Constellation, Links Hall & The Hungry Brain