Michael Zerang & the Blue Lights
Saturday | 24 June 2017Constellation - 8:30pm

Josh Berman – cornet
Mars Williams – alto, tenor saxophone
Dave Rempis – alto, tenor, baritone saxophone
Kent Kessler – contrabass
Michael Zerang -drums
“Listeners accustomed to Zerang’s rain of atomized metallic strikes, distressed abrasions, and Middle Eastern grooves might be surprised by the content of the rigorously arranged pieces he has devised for this group, in which he is joined by cornetist Josh Berman, saxophonists Mars Williams and Dave Rempis, and bassist Kent Kessler. The intricate counter-point of massed horns versus bass on “Bright Lights And Saucy Tights” brings to mind J.S. Bach, while the syncopated cadences and earthy, low-end melody of “Chicago Rub Down” contain the potential for some serious funk. But this is still music for improvisers, and it won’t be complete until the last time these musicians play it.”
Bill Meyer – Chicagomusic.org